Sixth lecture
Here I will present a new input device.
Almost everything changed after this COVID crisis but I had not talked about it yet ! Then, I want to highlight the case of :
waterproof keyboards
Indeed, in every workspace, class and of course medical center, the current issue about infection is everywhere. Our utilisation of computers has changed. It is now more complicated to lend devices. The most relevant examples are keyboards. Teachers now have to take their own, to plug it each time they want to use a computer. In a hospital, it can become a plague.
One solution has been to put plastic on it, but studies seem to reveal that it is not that efficient. The easier is to clean then, but electronic and water are not bff.
A rising market is the one of waterproof keyboards. It is not brand new but their utilisation is not paramount.
IKEY’s keyboard
I want to take the example SLK 97 TP from IKEY. Here is the commercial :
The SLK-97-TP keyboard provides all the functionality of a standard keyboard and mouse in a slim and compact design. It is completely waterproof with integrated touch-pad. It is also compatible with all disinfectants used in hospitals. A red LED backlight allows it to be used in low light environments.
The interest here is that today, we have to wash our hands with expandable hydroalcoholic gel for instance, each time we use a device. Even thought, we are never sure that it is without risks. It would be much easier to pass and use any hygiene product, often much more concentrated, directly on the device !
The future of such products
To my mind, the market is huge and is going to remain so. At first, for hospital, it will always remain useful, and our utilisation of such places is rising.
Moreover, I think after this crisis, our entire generation will stay sensible to such issues as hygiene, virus propagation, … I found quite few examples of them, even if you have some easily on amazon for instance.
What I also think is interesting about this product is that many people will not even notice they are using it ! Even if the design is a little different, we all know how to use a keyboard and those are no different.
Moreover, the investment is not that big, no more than a “player” keyboard, and still it can last much longer. Economically speaking, the product is also relevant.
I can say that I do think I will use at least occasionally such keyboards within the two years to come.
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