Seventh lecture
Let’s present 3 ideas of project that could enhance human abilities.
Let’s taste my first idea
This project could help to stop addictions.
Though AR, it could change the perception of the object of the addiction.
Most of the time, dependency arrive because of habit. A cigarette triggers pleasure because it is always the same.
Modifying gradually the visual of it could help people stopping.
This same procedure could help children to like some vegetables for instance. Indeed, the process of seeing something impact deeply the experiment of taste. It is why many agroindustrial companies add dyes in their product. It would be much healthier to add it through AR.
What already exists
I found different articles about AR & VR treatments for addiction. Those are different from my idea : “As of late, psychiatrists and psychologists have been offered pre-market trials of AR- and VR-related technology, placing patients in particular situations in which they are forced to confront the psychosis they are trying to address.”
My idea is different, I want to modify the perception they have of a product or and habit.
Here you have the real life : someone is smoking. This person is used to his cigarette, to its smell, taste and all.
However, here is what he saw with my product : the color is modified, most probably, his feelings would be too. It could help him softly.
Let’s drive into the second
Current autonomous cars face deep issues about legislation. As powerful the assistance can be, you must remain in control. You are responsible. Solutions to ideas such as share cars and vehicles that can reach you when you are not far away are then impossible. But what if you could drive your car thanks to VR. It could increase your simplicity to move to be able to catch a car and to drive it to you directly. As cars now have 360 cameras and can drive almost alone, such process would enable you to drive it as a drone and to lift laws issues.
Here you can find an interface a driver could face.
Real time information can be added such as distance between your car and others for instance. The commands can be made with simple recognition of a camera, such as movements of hands, as human intervention won’t be the main driver in such an autonomous car.
Don’t stay deaf to this third one
For my last idea, I do not aim that much to enhance abilities but to give those back to people who suffer a handicap. It is, I do think, one of the greater aspect of technology. My idea is, with AR, to add real-time translation to sentences of people around our subject. It could also highlight dangers such as cars or object most people focus on thanks to their noise. It could enhance the vision to compensate for the audition.
**Not a camera : micro" Technical speaking, it only needs camera to analyse environment, and object detection to trigger the whole. A mobile ship is now powerful enough to do that in real time.
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Here you can find a prototype I made on blender of a hat. He is made of 4 wide angle cameras and 4 Lidar sensors. The all is computed with a mobile ship under the hat.
Moreover, the same process can be thought using sounds for blinded people.