Fifth lab

For this lab, we aim to play our ‘Roll a ball’ game in VR !

To do this, I used Occulus Rift and hand command from our school in Evry. We tested them at first to be sure they were ready. I did not face issues excepted for batteries.

Then came the problems.

  • Change the PC

I made roll a ball on my PC, which is not powerful enough to be used for VR. Therefore, I copied the projects on the one of the school. However, the versions were not the same and I had to spend time to configure it all again.

  • Export ‘Roll a ball’ in VRTK

The lab purpose is to us the ‘VRTK’ environment to configure the occulus integration.

I faced here a new issue : exporting my game into our VRTK project. Indeed, many errors were raised, both in my code and in the assets. For instance, it was all pink and / or empty. The assets from my computer were not correcly imported in the new one.

In the assets store : I downloaded and imported the occulus integration. In the same time, I tried many solutions to my import issue, each time demanding to input again the occulus integration. Finally, as I was unable to understand why the project worked on the computer but not in VRTK, which still does not make sense to me, I started from scratch the missing objects / materials.

  • Controller and build settings

Then, we configure all the integration of our device in the unity project and … it worked ! For this, I step by step followed those many slides of the labs. At first, I was simply able to start the game and to move inside the occulus. But it was already good !

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  • One more issue : an update !

I also had to reboot the computer and reload the entire project as updates came out as I was working ! Indeed, it worked at first and suddenly did not because of those mandatory updates :

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  • Almost done : positioning

I took some time to find the good distance to put my game from its original place in 0;0;0. Indeed, to interact with it, you have to find a perfect distance in order not to be in the table or above the game ! That being done, I was happy ! Everything was supposed to work and it looks perfect :

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  • A flying game issue

But no ! My game was falling in a strange direction ! Apparently another student had the same issue but it disappeared as it came !

I started the TP from scratch after that and the modification of rigibodies enabled to solve this issue.

  • Impossible to interact ?

However, another issue occured, I was not able to interact with the game :

Here, my issue was that, even if it seemed to work, I could not move in the game of grab anything. The interaction system was still broken.

  • Finally !

Actually, we finally manage to interact with our game by changing a few lines and resetting our collider boxes. For instance, on RightTriggerAxis, the Axis Name was an issue we think ! In any case, the integration seems better with others headset that my rift.

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  • Some thoughts

I was very surprise to have to follow 50 slides of requirements to use such as widespread product as occulus. It seems there are many ways of doing it, more or less complicated, but I still think an all ready tool is needed to really become user-friendly.


Nothing left to see :'(

List :

Index lecture, Index lab