Welcome here, I am Adrien Triquet.
I am a last year engineering student at Telecom SudParis. I am currently studying image processing, with work in artificial intelligence and deep learning. In addition, I am attending a second diploma, a master’s degree from the Polytechnic Institute of Paris in virtual and augmented reality.
What is the purpose of this blog ?
This blog is meant to group all my works for my master among the year. Lab summaries are here to show you all the troubles I got and how I solved them. You can also discover my creations and even contact me to discuss them !
By the way, you can find the repository of the project in the menu. I made a mistake between my github accounts and used an associative one I used to work with for another project, but of course I am behind this account too !
To learn more about me, here is my CV
![GitHub Logo](/images/CV TRIQUET_Adrien.jpg)